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BeLiver Feature: Mario Fachini

Have you ever wondered how some people just have so much confidence when they are on screen? Have you ever wanted to speak in front of a crowd but couldn’t even get in front of your laptop camera?

Mario Fachini is the Founder and CEO of Mario Fachini Consulting and is a sought-after client acquisition strategist, author, and marketing trainer. He helps to educate other marketers through coaching & training on how to start up successful marketing companies of their own and attract clients, by using systems and leverage.

He is also an avid BeLive user. Here are a few tips from him on how you can be as successful as he is with the help of BeLive.

So Mario, tell us something about you or your show that you’d like to people know about.

I am a client acquisition strategist & host of “Expert Authority Effect™ Interviews with Mario Fachini which is a daily video podcast that helps you embody the entrepreneurial spirit with expert level insights to increase your companies profits.

Why did you go into video marketing or live streaming?

I’ve always loved the ease storytelling videos provide, that’s why I studied video production, wrote a book on it and taught my clients to use it to add value to their audience regularly.

How has BeLive as a platform helped you?

Ease of use. Video used to be very expensive, technically advanced and rather time-consuming. Live streaming, especially with Belive, is brain dead simple to set up. Its no longer an excuse of “I can’t afford it” / “I don’t know how” / “I don’t have the time.” For my in-person audiences, it’s only:

“ Are you curious or serious”?

Just this week I did an impromptu “live” and took 1 min 14 secs to setup…. and that was with having to redo it because I was inside the 11 min threshold for scheduling. Belive is by far the simplest, easiest, and most affordable way to create a show.

Belive helped me realize the 3,000+ videos I had done the prior years could have easily been branded as “a show.” Belive gave me the ability to create a frame within 5–10 mins (and a few revisions,) to easily toggle on and off every broadcast so that I can have a professional touch with the click of the mouse.

My revenue has also increased by as much as $30,000 as a direct result of using BeLive. I have over 120 live’s I’ve used it for mainly to connect deeper with my audience and interact 1:1 prior to selling or after selling.

How are you promoting your product or service on your BeLive shows?

YES. I do any of the following:

  1. Sponsorships — straight up “ let’s thank our sponsor” and then while live, cue up a photo of their logo.
  2. Physical products. I talk about my 4 books regularly and have a live show about the content of the books — I teach my coaching clients to do the same when we launch their books & training products.

Interviewing: 100% yes. My new show Expert Authority Effect™ Interviews with Mario Fachini is 1000% focused around experts and authorities in their field sharing the entrepreneurial insights of their journey.

How many times do you use BeLive to promote your business/organization?

3–5 times a week, even when sick at least once, and as much as 1–10 for pre-launch times.

Which BeLive feature do you think has helped you achieved the results for your business?

Talk Show Mode AND Comments on screen. Prior to that, the live interaction there was “Hi Sally, Bob, Sue whoever.” Once it became ,visual I became Houdini “How’d you do that!” — Belive made it so simple years ago.

Anything else you’d like to share on how BeLive has helped your business?

Confidence — I am very thankful to partner with a company that cares.

It makes it easy to help my clients — I don’t work with everyone, and I sure as heck don’t recommend stuff just because. I have used Belive since BETA, and have recommended it since maybe a week or two after (once I played with it a bit.) I can honestly say:

“There is nothing easier, faster, and simpler to start your show.”

Even more exciting, I know Belive is just getting started 😉

If you would like to learn more tips, join our 9000+ community of content creators and business owners who are using BeLive.tv

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